to edit a menu item
A menu resource is a collection of items that define the appearance and function of an application menu. A menu is a specialized input control that lets the user select commands and submenus from a list of menu items.
A menu is organized into a hierarchical structure comprised of menu items and submenus. A menu item that opens a submenu is called a popup menu item. See also: MENU Resource.
A menu resource is displayed graphically in the Menu Edit mode. Menu Edit mode shows a menu in a tree view with submenus, menu and popup items.
1. Select the target menu resource from the Resource Tree.
2. Press the Resource Editor button
to edit this selected menu resource.
3. Select the menu item from the Menu Tree and make changes to its caption.
4. Press OK to close the Resource Editor and select 'File' -> 'Save
File As ...' to save the changes you've just made to the target file. If warned
that the image size has changed, click "Yes" to update the file size.
Menu IDs can not be edited. These values are hard coded into the target file. Changing them is likely to cause the modified program to crash.
Show/Hide a menu form.
Rollback. There are two rollback buttons: Total rollback restores all changes, Local rollback restores only changes made to a selected menu item.
Any change you make can be restored prior to quitting the editor using the OK button. To abort your changes quit the editor using the Cancel button.